Wednesday, July 7, 2010

And an afterthought of my day

II knew I was having a hard day. He knew I was struggling emotionally with this situation right now. He was called into work and stopped to get an easy dinner for the family on his way home (with a seperate, special grown-up dinner for us after the kids eat).

II surprised me with chocolate covered berries. He buys them from the Natural Grocery and they are nut free so I can actually eat them. I took a small handful to savor. I bribed E with chocolate to shower M so I didn't have to deal with it. And, I cut J off from the tap for awhile. Lots cuddles helped J accept the limit for now.

Meanwhile, J decided my chocolate covered berries were far better than his 3 Musketer bar I gave him (trade secret, when desperate bribe them with chocolate). Exactly how does an 18 monther know the difference between gourmet chocolate covered berries and stock snack chocolates from the regular grocery? Dunno, but I'm glad I only had a small handful and hit the rest from him.

So, II has decided to round off my evening with this treat and a pet handling session for John, the Brazilian Rainbow Boa and his 7 year old mommy. Meanwhile, he asks that I now track down whomever is playing with the mousicles in the chest freezer and remind them to leave the snakes food alone. I'm sorry. But, I have limits. If I catch you with the mousicles, I'll make you sleep in a tent in the backyard. Otherwise, keep them away from me!!!

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